Man sitting with head down on knees

Trouble with the Written

If you are having trouble with the written portion of the firefighter hiring process, do not feel bad. You are not alone. Trying to make the cut where departments are raising the bar is a “thing”. Of course, you want to improve your score on the written tests it is still weighted. Even still, the top program for preparing for the written test is the Encyclopedia of Firefighter Examinations (EofFE).

This is where you decide to continue reading…….

Many of the entry-level books today have multiple practice firefighter written examinations. These examinations cover an assortment of testing subjects. In the many years working in firefighter test prep (, firefighter applicants come to us with one specific concern. Do they need to sift through each of these examinations to determine which questions are related to the upcoming firefighter written exam?

The Encyclopedia of Firefighter Examinations is unique. Divided into 16 testing subjects common to today’s 21st century firefighter examination, the EofFE is a must. For example, a firefighter applicant taking an examination on reading comprehension, math, human relations, deductive reasoning, and visualization can go to those specific sections in the book and read the high scoring test-taking strategies on each subject.

After doing so, the applicant would want to take the practice examinations. With this plan of action, the applicant is provided a strategy and prep tools for success. With over 40 years in Fire Service, we know a thing or two. We know this method is successful. You will be better prepared by concentrating on the specific testing subjects. The firefighter applicants who hone their test prep skills to those specific subjects will see a positive result – and, by that, we mean an increase in score.

Fire Captain Rob