
Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (Part 2)


Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (Part 2) The Q & A continues: Captain Bob” Smith is a retired firefighter and fire captain. A member of the MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER HALL OF FAME, Captain Bob speaks on the topics of overcoming stress and developing superior communication skills. He has written 2 books:  Eat Stress For Breakfast and  Fire Up Your Communication Skills.  With three successful start-up businesses, education, and over 40 years of research, Captain Bob thoroughly enjoys helping others. Enjoy this Q & A, part 2,  with Captain Bob. Q. Captain Bob, who has been the most influential [...]

Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (Part 2)2023-03-07T02:07:26+00:00

Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (part 1)


Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (part 1) Captain Bob” Smith is a retired firefighter and fire captain. As a motivational and public speaker on the topics of overcoming stress and developing superior communication skills, Captain Bob has written 2 books:  Eat Stress For Breakfast and  Fire Up Your Communication Skills.  With three successful start-up businesses, education, and over 40 years of research, Captain Bob thoroughly enjoys helping others. Enjoy this Q & A, part 1,  with Captain Bob. Q. What has been the best thing about becoming a motivational and inspirational personality? A. This is a great [...]

Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (part 1)2023-05-08T23:19:12+00:00

Anxiety Is Very Common – Especially When Testing!


Anxiety Is Very Common – Especially When Testing! Depending on your age, you will or will not be familiar with everyone having some sort of debilitating disorder. It is commonplace. The topic of this recent blog revolves around ANXIETY. By modern standards, anxiety is an emotion earmarked by feelings of tension, worry, and can include some physical changes like an increase in blood pressure. Folks with anxiety disorders typically struggle with recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may even purposely avoid certain situations out of concern for an attack. Dealing with anxiety can be devastating. How does this apply to firefighter [...]

Anxiety Is Very Common – Especially When Testing!2022-09-27T22:53:47+00:00


Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.  

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