
Remember – It’s for the Experience


Remember - It’s for the Experience Every day, those of us at eatstress.com have the chance to change lives. And, to be completely honest, my son, Rob, and I are very grateful. It is an incredible feeling to be able to help so many live their dream. Here's another situation I would like to share. In doing so, I hope I encourage you to see your own struggles are not insurmountable. If you have the desire to be a firefighter, we can help you live your dream. Meet Dave. I encouraged Dave to test anywhere he could. This would give him practice [...]

Remember – It’s for the Experience2020-05-29T16:32:35+00:00

The Possibilities Are There – If You Are Willing


The Possibilities Are There – If You Are Willing All too often, we hear candidates say they only want to work for a particular department or in a certain area like their hometown. And, when they test outside their area of interest, they are adamant that they would never work there if offered a job. Volunteers hang their hopes on one day being a paid member of their department.  They hang on so long that with these coastal or central valley departments, that they miss great opportunities. Before they realize it, they are too old, don't have the exposure, or education. And, their department [...]

The Possibilities Are There – If You Are Willing2020-09-16T14:47:29+00:00


Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.  
“I tested for 10 years taking 73 tests. My next oral was in two weeks. I wanted to figure out...
Becoming a Firefighter
“I tested for 10 years taking 73 tests. My next oral was in two weeks. I wanted to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong… with Captain Bob’s program and coaching, I was shocked to see I had ranked number one and got my badge.”  
“The only hinder that I found myself with was not passing the oral… For all of the candidates out there...
Becoming a Firefighter
“The only hinder that I found myself with was not passing the oral… For all of the candidates out there that don’t believe this, try passing and ranking #1 on orals with a stuttering problem…I did.” – Dave, FF/PM  
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.
“Well, I never thought I would be writing this to you, Captain Bob, but it happened to me also… Out...
Becoming a Firefighter
“Well, I never thought I would be writing this to you, Captain Bob, but it happened to me also… Out of a possible 120 pts, I scored 119.87 pts! I couldn’t believe it! … Just wanted to say THANK YOU!” – Armando  
Becoming a Firefighter

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