New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions. You make them. I make them. We all make them. You see – a new year brings hope and optimism for what might come. It brings a fresh start to correct the wrongs of years past. For many, the new year means that the possibilities are endless. A 2023 Forbes Health “OnePoll” Survey found some resolutions more popular than others. The top 3 are improved mental health, improved fitness, and to lose weight.

Here is the question – what percentage of New Year’s resolutions fail?

Real and lasting change takes time. Setting goals too high coupled with the desire for instant gratification can be a problem. Whether your goals involve weight loss, improving your finances, or getting another job, many lose patience. We wonder why things haven’t worked out. Sadly, the positive vibe inspiring us to do better and be better doesn’t last long. Momentum wears off. To poke fun at this, make sure to mark your calendars for the official DITCH THE NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION DAY celebrated on January 17th! This is a thing!

But – How do you make a plan for change and make it stick?

In our opinion, a plan of action for real change should follow KISS. You have heard Captain Bob talk about this acronym, KISS which stands for Keep It Simple Sweetie. When Captain Bob spoke of this, he was referring to how you answer the rater’s Oral Board questions. We are taking this NUGGET a step further by applying it to other parts of our lives.

Here is what I mean – Apply KISS to your New Year’s Resolution for real change. KEEP IT SIMPLE SWEETIE – To us, this means starting small. A goal that is loaded with baby steps is much better than one characterized by hardcore cold turkey. Consider the person who sets this goal to lose weight. He might say: I will not eat after dinner, I will go to the gym 3 days a week, and I will only eat out once a week instead of three. This plan, with its baby steps, is much better than the alternative which might state: I will not eat dinner, I will go to the gym every day, and I will never eat out again. You get the gist.

How do we apply this baby steps theory to, our firefighter test prep program? If you want to earn the firefighter’s badge, commit with baby steps, and work up to mastering your Oral. Yes, there is an Oral in your future. You will only have 20 minutes in the hot seat. You will need to be ready with adequate preparation.

Instead of going out with the boys, stay home to prepare your script, discover what makes you unique, and practice answering Oral Board questions. Get out your phone and record your responses. Already did that? Do it again, and again. Do not forget about the physical and psych portions of the firefighter hiring process. Spend an extra hour at the gym or incorporate running into your routine. Even though these are pass/fail, they count. You will be glad you went the extra mile.

Here is a bonus NUGGET of my own – you can commit to earning the badge at any time. It doesn’t have to be for the new year. Every day brings new opportunities and a clean slate. How can you be better than the day before? How can you get closer to reaching that badge? You can do it! Put one foot in front of the other. If you want help, reach out. We have helped thousands earn the badge.

As Captain Bob would say – “Nothing matters until you get that badge. And, I mean nothing.”

Captain Rob