Getting the job

To Take the Job or Not!


To Take the Job or Not! A few years ago, one of our candidates, Gavin, was going to a chief’s oral for a training position. Several older and in-service firefighters were offering Gavin their advice. They were saying that he should not be doing this. They said it could limit his chances of being hired by another department where he was on the list. Gavin was focused on what "they" said. Gavin decided to play hard to get in the Chief’s Oral. My take on this advice is that after you have been a firefighter for a while, you forget [...]

To Take the Job or Not!2022-09-27T22:51:39+00:00

The Problem with Pre-Existing Problems


The Problem with Pre-Existing Problems Do you have a pre-existing medical problem? Is there a glitch in your personal life that will stop you from moving forward? Maybe there are charges, and you have a record. If there is a chance that any of these will show up on your background, do yourself a favor. Find out early if any of these will interfere with a career in firefighting. All too often, we get calls from candidates who have hit this kind of wall. Candidates have put in the time and energy. Now they are at a dead stop! Pre-existing problems [...]

The Problem with Pre-Existing Problems2022-09-27T22:51:56+00:00

Feeling Lucky?


Feeling Lucky? With all that this said about being a medic, I must tell you that we help candidates get hired all the time with little or no experience. Introducing Jim. Jim picked up one of our flyers when he picked up an application for the San Francisco Fire Department test.  He saw the ad for the test in the newspaper. Now, Jim was not a kid. With no background, formal education, or experience related to the fire service, Jim thought he would give it a shot. The smartest thing Jim did was reach out to EatStress for help. We [...]

Feeling Lucky?2022-09-27T22:53:31+00:00

Anxiety Is Very Common – Especially When Testing!


Anxiety Is Very Common – Especially When Testing! Depending on your age, you will or will not be familiar with everyone having some sort of debilitating disorder. It is commonplace. The topic of this recent blog revolves around ANXIETY. By modern standards, anxiety is an emotion earmarked by feelings of tension, worry, and can include some physical changes like an increase in blood pressure. Folks with anxiety disorders typically struggle with recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may even purposely avoid certain situations out of concern for an attack. Dealing with anxiety can be devastating. How does this apply to firefighter [...]

Anxiety Is Very Common – Especially When Testing!2022-09-27T22:53:47+00:00

Multiple Job Offers


Multiple Job Offers Email from Jimmy who has received 2 offers: Dear Captain Bob - After getting your program, I got offered a job. Today, another job offer came. It's unreal. Thanks for helping me package the product (Me) and sell it. It worked! Here is my dilemma. I received a conditional offer of employment from a County Fire. I have signed it and will mail it out. I need to pass the medical and psych exams. Today, another fire department's Chief called. He gave me a conditional offer over the phone. As I expected, I have to pass the [...]

Multiple Job Offers2022-03-02T23:07:04+00:00

Your Polygraph is Inconclusive


Your Polygraph is Inconclusive Part of the firefighter hiring process may or may not include a polygraph test. Do not be surprised if your day with the polygraph examiner comes sooner rather than later. Here is what the poly looked like for Bill. There were six pages of questions. These questions were read out loud by him before he was hooked up to the polygraph. When Bill was hooked up, only ten questions were asked to him. Each question was asked 3x in a different way and in a different order. Confusing right? Well, that is the point. For Bill, everything [...]

Your Polygraph is Inconclusive2022-03-02T23:01:15+00:00

Know the Formula!


Know the Formula! If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times, after 40 years in Fire Service, we know a thing or two. Some things have changed in fire service, but not the basics. What I mean is that the written and physical ability tests are still pass/fail while the ORAL BOARD carries all the weight of getting you that badge.  After sitting on more than 100 Oral Boards, I have seen quite a few things. I have seen awesome candidates with great credentials. Yet, there is something missing. These candidates couldn’t present what I [...]

Know the Formula!2022-02-16T20:59:02+00:00

Don’t Chit-Chat – PUT A CORK IN IT!!


Don't Chit-Chat – PUT A CORK IN IT!! Often, we get phone calls or emails from candidates after they have completed portions of the firefighter hiring process. This guy wrote to me about his experience during his Oral Board. Read what he wrote and my response below. Captain Bob, I recently passed a written and agility for a department. I had my oral interview the next day. Honestly, I felt the interview went pretty well. I am waiting to see if I made the final cut. Here is my concern. During the interview, I was asked what I had done to prepare [...]

Don’t Chit-Chat – PUT A CORK IN IT!!2022-02-16T21:07:05+00:00

Having Trouble with the Written?


Having Trouble with the Written? The firefighter hiring process is unlike any other job interview process you will ever experience. And, if you have read my other blogs, you know how I feel about being prepared. It is a MUST! Even still, no matter the preparation, you might get hung up as you move along. Let’s talk about the written. Is this where you are having trouble? Are you trying to raise your score to make the CPS cut? Do you want and need to improve your score on those few tests where the written is still weighted? We get [...]

Having Trouble with the Written?2021-11-29T22:13:31+00:00

It’s Finally Here!


It’s Finally Here! Well, it's finally here. Your day has come. Congratulations! And, welcome, Brother. There were ups, downs, twists, and turns. No matter what happened and however long it took, you stuck with it. Persistence is key. You now have your badge. Let's back up and talk about the road traveled to get here. Sharing your experience could help others get the badge, too. Don't be too big for your britches. Share what happened along the way. Be open with recruits who may be so green behind the ears that a bit of encouragement could change his path. Yes. [...]

It’s Finally Here!2021-11-15T17:28:04+00:00


Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.  

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