Monthly Archives: February 2023

Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (Part 2)


Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (Part 2) The Q & A continues: Captain Bob” Smith is a retired firefighter and fire captain. A member of the MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER HALL OF FAME, Captain Bob speaks on the topics of overcoming stress and developing superior communication skills. He has written 2 books:  Eat Stress For Breakfast and  Fire Up Your Communication Skills.  With three successful start-up businesses, education, and over 40 years of research, Captain Bob thoroughly enjoys helping others. Enjoy this Q & A, part 2,  with Captain Bob. Q. Captain Bob, who has been the most influential [...]

Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (Part 2)2023-03-07T02:07:26+00:00

Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (part 1)


Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (part 1) Captain Bob” Smith is a retired firefighter and fire captain. As a motivational and public speaker on the topics of overcoming stress and developing superior communication skills, Captain Bob has written 2 books:  Eat Stress For Breakfast and  Fire Up Your Communication Skills.  With three successful start-up businesses, education, and over 40 years of research, Captain Bob thoroughly enjoys helping others. Enjoy this Q & A, part 1,  with Captain Bob. Q. What has been the best thing about becoming a motivational and inspirational personality? A. This is a great [...]

Captain Bob – A Simple Q & A (part 1)2023-05-08T23:19:12+00:00


Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.  

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