Monthly Archives: September 2022

A Little Advice


A Little Advice When I was working at the firehouse, my friend, Paul, was called into work. Knowing I had done some communication and relationship work, Paul took me aside and said, “Bob, my marriage is in big trouble.” As I have mentioned before, the divorce rate of firefighters is extremely high. I asked Paul to tell me more. He told me that six months earlier he and his wife had what I call “the talk.” The talk can come whenever situations build up and aren’t resolved. It usually blindsides one of the partners. I listened as Paul told me [...]

A Little Advice2022-10-06T20:42:59+00:00

If Mama Isn’t Happy


If Mama Isn't Happy When you finally get that call and pack up for the academy, do not forget the ones who stood by and encouraged you along the way. Do not forget those who were your sounding board or stayed up with you at night trying to figure out how you could get a badge. Firefighters already have a higher divorce rate than many other occupations. You do not want the additional stress of being a rookie compounded by a divorce. Here is a rule to follow - If momma isn’t happy, nobody is happy. I receive calls regularly [...]

If Mama Isn’t Happy2022-10-06T20:51:34+00:00


Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.  

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