Thousands are now firefighters after using our program
of proven time-tested inside secrets gained from over 40 years of experience
” This program is dedicated to those who possess the burning desire to acquire a firefighter badge
and become one of the last of America’s heroes. ” — Captain Bob
The Firefighter’s hiring process is a unique animal.
The Firefighter’s hiring process is a unique animal. An applicant will go through the written, the physical, and the psych exams. All of these are pass/fail. If the candidate is lucky enough, he or she will move on to the Oral Board interview. This part of the firefighter testing process is an entry-level job interview. But – the Oral Board interview is undoubtedly the most misunderstood and least prepared for a portion of the testing process.
At we have seen candidates with great credentials who just cannot present the “whole package” at the Oral Board interview. Working with (and adding private coaching with Captain Rob) to prepare for all the parts of the firefighter testing process will get you what you need to earn the firefighter’s badge. Obviously, much of this test prep is up to you. You have to dig deep and do the work. But, with and private coaching, our firefighter test prep will help you discover the tools that you never knew you had. We can help you bring these unique tools to the Oral Board interview. Here is the NUGGET: if you can’t present the “whole package”, you don’t get the job…period! Never! Ever!
“Will this information apply in my
part of the country?”
From Tim: “It doesn’t matter where you are from, what part of the country you’re in, how old or tall, or fit you are, without these tools you have provided I’d still be a phone man in NYC. Now I’ve achieved my dream job and am proud to say I’m a firefighter in beautiful Virginia Beach. This feeling of accomplishment feels like it will last a lifetime, it’s an amazing feeling.”
For those candidates that think just because they are in the service as a volunteer or EMT, gives them the knowledge and preparedness is just plain ignorant. I was both a volunteer firefighter and EMT and would not have known the skills and nuggets needed to get that edge and advantage through each step without Captain Bob’s program. Thank you. Tim
Your Dream Job is Out there You Just
Haven’t Seen it Yet!
Since 100% of your score in obtaining a firefighter job can be in the oral board job interview, what are you missing that’s keeping you from gaining a badge? We have the GPS for the J-O-B ! We’ve helped thousands get hired Nationwide! This is where your dream of becoming a firefighter can come true.
Almost every city in the Nation someone’s working there 24 hours a day who went through our program. Coast to coast, border to border, sea to shinning sea and beyond. No one else can make this claim! This is the most successful program available!

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Maybe it’s time to ask yourself…
What are you missing that is keeping you from gaining a badge?
➤ Are you a firefighter candidate that wants to shorten the learning curve between you and that badge?
➤ Do you want to find out what skills you may be missing?
➤ Do you feel like you have hit a wall in your orals and you don’t know what to do next?
➤ Have you already figured out that you just can’t wing the oral board?
➤ Do you want to discover the inside secrets of interviews – tested and proven ideas that have worked for over thousands of candidates, now firefighters?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions…
Then you’re ready for Capt. Bob’s entry-level oral interview program which has helped thousands of individuals to get the job of their
dreams. Not only will you discover the skills and methods that truly will catapult your interview skills, you may spot the one
big “nugget” you are missing in your presentation. Think about it – you may be too close to see your own gold mine!
Success stories from our candidates who got the badge!!
“Well, I never thought I would be writing this to you, Captain Bob, but it happened to me also… Out of a possible 120 pts, I scored 119.87 pts! I couldn’t believe it! … Just wanted to say THANK YOU!” – Armando
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.
“The only hinder that I found myself with was not passing the oral… For all of the candidates out there that don’t believe this, try passing and ranking #1 on orals with a stuttering problem…I did.” – Dave, FF/PM
“I tested for 10 years taking 73 tests. My next oral was in two weeks. I wanted to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong… with Captain Bob’s program and coaching, I was shocked to see I had ranked number one and got my badge.”
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.
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